Our family farm produces a biological seed inoculant, foliar biostimulant and vermicompost.
NutriSoil Biological Solution and Worm Castings are produced using a unique vermiculture recycling system.
Organic animal, plant, mineral, and ocean inputs are fed to compost worms and other soil organisms which break down these materials into a nutrient rich, biological stimulant packed with a diversity of microbes, plant-available nutrients, growth promotants, and proteins.
What is NutriSoil?

- An organic seed treatment to boost germination and early growth
- A foliar plant food for delivering nutrients and microbes directly to plants
- A biological stimulant to enhance soil microbial activity
NutriSoil Vermicast (worm castings) is used as:
- Soil amendment to add humus and biological life to soil
- To make a biological rich extract for plant and soil application
- Easily used in systems such as a Tow and Fert Machine

NutriSoil helps improve soil and plant health, leading to:
- Larger plant roots
- Increased drought and frost tolerance
- Improved resilience to pests and diseases
- Increased soil fertility
- Increased soil carbon levels
Increased water-holding capacity of soil

Grow plants with increased defence systems
Improve nutrient cycling using microbes
Increase soil carbon to manage environmental extremes
NutriSoil is sold directly to farmers at wholesale rates
Simply phone through your order or order on-line with our easy to follow order form.
Nutrisoil and David Hardwick through the rboot my soil course have given me so much more confidence in assessing my soil. This course is a must for anyone wanting to improve thier farm and soil health. I can't recommend it highly enough. It also...
A well presented short course that provides the tools to interpret a soil test holistically, a move away from just focusing on the four big nutrients.
Thank you fr giving us the opportunity of participating in the Reboot My Soil Course, we found it really useful for understanding more about soils and soil health, and are much more confident about our direction having completed the course. It managed to cover both...
Couldn’t be happier with the course, I certainly learnt the importance of understanding soil tests.
Continue educating us, and help source Agronomy advice that is not connected to sales KPI's
Since we started using Nutrisoil it was clear to see that the cattle started grazing the whole paddock ore evenly. The improved health of our cattle was also noticeable.
Using NutriSoil, our soils have opened up. They infiltrate water at a much faster rate.
Luke has some great ideas and certainly a good start for someone wanting to try new things, he has good ideas on how to balance soil nutrition
It was refreshing to hear Luke's views about regen ag as it has been distorted, Luke spoke about all the tools in the tool box, which was great.
We were really happy with the visit from Luke and can see he offered an all-round service to help achieve soil health.
Effectively the nutritional integrity and thus health value of our food and our health is governed substantially (up to 90%) by whether it contains and can provide us with the over 33+ essential nutrients, trace elements and plant products (vitamins etc) that are essential for our preventative health. "The Science of Biological Farming Methods"
Maarten is passionate about discovering and using the power of nature in food production systems – and the connections between soil biology, soil health, and the overall functioning of agro-ecosystems, and sees many opportunities for Australian agriculture to reverse soil degradation and regenerate soils. "Soil Fertility Management, Towards Sustainable Farming Systems & Landscapes"
Just about everything that lives in soil is very strongly inhibited by applications of high rates of water-soluble N and P. Interestingly, a small amount (say 1-5kg/ha urea) primes the system. I guess the amount of N in NutriSoil does the same. The microbes only need a whiff of N to get them started, then they do the rest.
I suspect many people are getting confused about fertilisers. If they (farmers/gardeners) support microbial activity in the soil, there will be no need for chemical fertilisers. Indeed chemical fertilisers are detrimental to soils.
“Soil Carbon – can it save agricultures bacon?” by Dr Christine Jones "Nitrogen: the double-edged sword" by Dr Christine Jones
We are saving 20% on fertiliser costs by spending 50 cents per Hectare on inoculating the grain with NutriSoil concentrate before sowing. Then in August a foliar spray with NutriSoil costing $50 per hectare as against $228 per hectare on conventional fertilisers. Head weights 3 to 8 grams heavier on NutriSoil area compared with control
I have used Nutrisoil now for some years and although I have grown very good vegetables in the past, I have found that Nutrisoil gives that extra flavour and extra growth that home gardeners look for and after growing vegetables in my home garden for so long, I can honestly say I have never grown better quality vegies.
We were amazed at how quickly soil can and does respond to NutriSoil – especially in Australia – where chemicals have now been used so extensively for so long. The future in farming is really exciting again with the thought of moving away from the harshness of chemicals, back to what our grandparents have – that becomes a PASSION. Well done NutriSoil for sticking with it – all the way!