Tassie Biological Farming Roundtable with David Hardwick

A Soil Health Day with David Hardwick and Robin Tait

Date: Monday Oct 7th

Time: 9am to 4.30pm

Location: Chudleigh Community Hall, 54 Sorell St, Chudleigh Tas

Cost: $80 – includes morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea

Event Description

NutriSoil is excited to bring its Biological Farming RoundTable event to Tasmania, with key presenters agroecologists David Hardwick and Robin Tait. Our host farmers are Kate and Dean Marshman, dairy farmers who are using NutriSoil liquid and have recently trialled our worm castings. They have also recently successfully trialled multispecies crops and will expand their plantings during upcoming planting. The Marshmans use a Tow & Fert and have also been dissolving urea and adding trace elements as required.

  • David Hardwick, agroecologist from Soil Land Food, has over 20 years of experience in rural landscapes and farming systems and will share his passion for soil health and regenerative farming. His engaging and easy-to-understand presentations empower farmers to make confident agronomic and farm planning decisions.
  • Robin Tait, independent agroecologist and Nuffield Scholar, has an extensive list of industry experience, across a number of fields. Her personal journey has led her to find her passion for soil health and farming with nature’s principles. Robin has found her place in agriculture, working with farmers who have discovered the world of living soil and are making the transition to farming for the life of their soil.

Join us for a transformative day dedicated to enhancing soil health and boosting farm profitability. Our Biological Farming Roundtable events travel across Australia, bringing together experts and farmers to explore cutting-edge practices that regenerate the land and maximise yields.

Event Agenda:

9:00 am – Registration

9:30 am – Introductions and Welcome

10:00 am – Best Soil in Show: Bring a cube (shovel full) of soil. Prizes to be won!

10.30am – Morning Tea

10:45 am – Key Speaker – David Hardwick: Soil health and function presentation

11:45 pm – Nakala Maddock: The science of vermiculture and practical on-farm application

12:15 pm – Lunch

12:50 pm – In field soil assessments and host farmer discussion- Travel to Farm (5 mins away)

3:00 pm – Key speaker – Robin Tait: Plant diversity and multispecies crops

3:30 pm – Afternoon Tea

4:00 pm – Panel Q&A: Engage with our experts and get your questions answered


Contact: Phone NutriSoil on (02) 6020 9676 or email marketing@nutrisoil.com.au

Join us for a day of learning, networking, and discovering how to make your farm more sustainable and profitable!


Oct 07 2024


9:00 am - 5:00 pm

More Info

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