Media Releases

Secrets to Greener Pastures

14 month old steers

Otways cattle farmers are unlocking the secrets to greener, more productive pastures and the key is right under their feet.

Simon and Kassie Williamson run a 350 acre Angus cow and calf production system near Ferguson. They have embarked on an exciting learning journey over the last three years, which has led to management changes.

Besides greener pastures, Kassie has already noticed a difference to stock health since beginning her strategy to build her underground workforce; soil life.

“We knew something was missing in our system, and we wanted to make some changes, so I decided it was time to learn as much as I could about soil health.

“We started using NutriSoil as a plant bio stimulant about eighteen months ago, and their farmer support program has accelerated my understanding about plant and soil health,” Kassie said.

Through her own research and the support services offered by NutriSoil, Kassie has set firm goals to improve native perennials and increase her soil biology.

One of the first steps the Williamsons undertook was to plant a multispecies crop (including rye, clover, plantain and local native perennials) and adding NutriSoil to their program.

“By incorporating different species of plants we hope to improve aeration and diversity, as a result increasing organic matter and carbon levels leading to better water infiltration.

“We are already seeing more dung beetles and worms, this is a great sign our biology is coming back into balance,” said Kassie.

NutriSoil is used as a foliar spray on pastures to increase photosynthesis, feeding the soil biology in exchange for plant available nutrients. In late January on a drizzly morning, Kassie decided it was perfect conditions to apply NutriSoil.

“I can’t believe the difference to our pastures within a week of application. We know it is a combination of management practices and products, and NutriSoil is one of the key tools to help us reach our long-term goals.


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