Logo with text that reads "NutriSoil" in bold, green letters, incorporating a stylized leaf in the "N". Below, in smaller, lighter green text, it says "Biological Solution".

Episode 9 – From Chemical Farm Accident to Australia’s Largest Worm Farm

Three adults are standing together in front of a building. They are all smiling and wearing shirts with the NutriSoil logo. Two pull-up banners displaying NutriSoil branding are visible on either side of the group.

This is the NutriSoil story with Graham Maddock and his daughter Rachelle Armstrong. From a traditional dairy farmer, Graham became a shell of himself after being doused in insecticide in a farming accident. After twelve months of illness following the accident, Graham made the decision to remove synthetic fertiliser and pesticides from his farming system […]

Episode 8 – Girl in the Arena with Brooke French

A person wearing a straw hat and jeans rides a brown horse in an open field with cows scattered in the distance. Trees and a green sign reading "Biological Farming" are in the background. Another person and a dog are visible near the fence.

Brooke French and her daughter Katie who is 13 years old, operate a 932 acre sheep and cattle property in Brungle Creek, NSW. From a passionate herbicide user who took pleasure in seeing her weeds die, Brooke’s mindset about weeds and synthetic fertilisers has been turned on its head. A change of perspective can change […]